Staff Directory

Mike Morrision
Powerline Worker Training instructor
129 Grayson Hall
(276) 223-4116
Lisa Murrell
Financial Aid Office
113A Bland Hall
(276) 223-4706
Kelli Musick
Associate Professor, Administrative Support Technology
129 Grayson Hall
(276) 223-4736
Juliana Nichols
Assistant Professor of Nursing
223 Galax Hall
(276) 223-4841
Jennifer Nunley
Assistant Professor of Education
111 Fincastle Hall
Grace Osborne
Administrative Assistant to Talent Search
215 Bland Hall
(276) 223-4790
Janice Osborne
Administrative & Office Specialist
147 Smyth
(276) 223-4117
Amanda Pauley
Scholarship Program Manager
146 Smyth
(276) 223-4719
Jessica Phillips
Front Desk Support and Advisor
Crossroads 105
(276) 744-4983
Rita Phillips
Professor of Dental Hygiene/Dental Assisting
Galax 229
(276) 223-4851
Donna Porter
Admin and Office Specialist-Admissions
117 Bland
(276) 223-4760
Rachel Porter
Simulation & LPN Instructor
WCC at the Crossroads
James Powers
Coordinator of Powerline Programs
Grayson 223
Bridget Preston
High School Career Coach
Marion High School (276-783-4731) and Rural Retreat High School (276-686-4143)
Natasha Puckett
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
117 Fincastle Hall
V Ratliff
Vice President of Instruction
Bland 241
Bill Reeves
Assistant Professor, Truck Driving
Brittney Ring
Assistant Professor, Nursing
Galax Hall
Alicia Roberts
Assistant Professor, Nursing/Simulation Coordinator
Charlie Ruble
Assistant Professor, Director of Information Technology/CIO
Grayson 249